30. Mai 2021 11:00 14:00

Re-reading maps together: Collective knowledge production in urban research Public discussion with workshop participants, metroZones, Sergio Beltrán-García and comments by Monika Streule (via zoom)  

Monika Streule is an urban scholar based at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zürich. Her research engages with the social production of space, urbanization processes and inventive methodologies of qualitative research. Currently, she is working on her second book project on a decolonized socio-territorial approach in urban studies with a regional focus on Latin America, particularly Mexico City and La Paz-El Alto in Bolivia monikastreule.net.

Both the Friday and Sunday discussions will be accessible via videoconference, a link will be provided to registered participants. The workshop on Saturday is limited to a certain number of participants and will likely take place in or around the Kunstraum Kreuzberg, depending on the current pandemic regulations; remote participation may be possible, please indicate when registering. Please register at mappingalong@metrozones.info.  


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