29. Mai 2021 10:00 18:00

Reading as reconstructing: mappings as territories for sense-making and dispute Workshop in Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien (see current pandemic regulations)  

The workshop will be guided by Sergio Beltrán-Garcia (Mexico City) and Monika Streule (Zurich) as well as by metroZones members Anne Huffschmid and Kathrin Wildner. Participants will interrogate and analyse mappings of different formats (paper, video, web-based, transmedia, geo-referential and other) from different urban and spatial settings, including Berlin and Mexico City. The workshop will combine working in small groups as well as collaborative exercises and discussions.   Please register until 26th of May at: mappingalong@metrozones.info


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Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien

Mariannenplatz 2
10997 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
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